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Homotoxicology is a form of medicine that uses complex homeopathically potentised remedies in low dilutions. It is a separate discipline to homeopathy and unique in that the development of disease is considered to be due to a progressive action of toxic material on our bodies. The medicines are used to regulate systems and restore functioning, Therefore this form of medicine is also called physiological regulating medicine.

Detoxification is a central pillar of homotoxicology. Man made chemicals abound in the modern environment with widespread exposure to all complex life forms. These chemicals are present in the internal environment of our homes and the external environment of our streets and countryside.

Homotoxicological remedies are not only effective against symptoms, they also stimulate the detoxifying functions of the lymphatic system and the connective tissues. As such, they are particularly useful for diseases of the male and female hormonal systems. And, importantly, they activate the body’s intrinsic healing capabilities – particularly the immune system. Immunomodulation is central to homotoxicology.

The remedies are the perfect combination of safe, natural ingredients and medicinal science. They have been widely used throughout Europe for decades.

Homotoxicology is appropriate for all medical conditions.

Useful Remedies

Traumeel – Useful for acute traumatic injuries, inflammation, and arthritis. It quickly relieves pain and bruising and enhances healing after an accident, injury, or surgery. For acute injury, take 10 drops every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Then take 30 drops per day until symptoms have ceased.

Nux Vomica – useful for any digestive upset, regardless of origin. In acute phases, 10 drops every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Then take 30 drops per day until well.

Zeel – Arthritic degeneration, stiffness, and pain. The protective effect of Zeel upon cartilage has been demonstrated in many studies.

Detox Kit – Over the past twenty years the number of people suffering from chronic diseases and allergies has increased. Impaired immune function is implicated in these illnesses and the detox kit can assist the reactivation of the body’s own detoxification systems. It is also useful on the first day of a cold/flu.

Colds and Flu

Treatment with the medicines stimulates the immune system and activates the body’s own defence mechanisms to remove toxic agents and pathogens. Useful winter medicines include:

At this time of year we are all more susceptible to cold and flu viruses. The colder drier air in winter allows the viruses to be more stable and airborne longer than at other times of year. Fortunately we have Guna Complex 1 to aid our own natural defences.  It is a complex homeopathic medicine indicated for children and adults for the prevention and treatment of influenza and para-influenza. It helps to increase the response of our own natural immune cells. Guna Complex 1 is now registered with the MHRA and can be now dispensed without the need for a consultation.

At the first sign of either cold or flu symptoms, take 1 vial three times per day. Repeat on the second day if necessary. This medicine can also be taken prophylactically. At the beginning of October, take 1 vial once per week for 6 weeks. Stop for one month and repeat.

Citomix can be used in either acute or chronic infections. At the first sign of cold or flu symptoms, take 10 pellets 2-3 times per day for 2-3 days, then 5 pellets 3 times per day until well.

Virus can be used for any viral infection. 5 pellets 2-3 times per day until well. In an acute infection, 3 pellets can be taken every 30 minutes for 2-3 hours.

Nux Vomica is useful for any digestive upset, regardless of origin. In acute phases, take 10 drops every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Then take 30 drops per day until well.

Tonsils can be used for tonsillitis, loss of voice and sore throat. Take 5 pellets three times per day.

These medicines can be taken together in acute phases of infection.

A homeopathic attenuation of the flu viruses for the last twenty years. Taken every six weeks throughout the year in easy to use doses, it can help with immunity in the coming year.

How to take homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies should always be taken on a clean mouth – in other words, at least fifteen minutes away from other food or drink. Ideally, half an hour is even better. Take a sip of the water mixture, or hold the pillules/tablets in your mouth, and wait at least thirty seconds before swallowing. This is to allow absorption through the mucous membranes.

If you are instructed to take the mixture in water, the easiest way is to make up a 500 ml or 1 litre bottle of water, put the drops in, and sip throughout the day. Make the bottle last from early morning to last thing at night.

When taking ampoules, hold the ampoule with the spot facing you. Flick out any fluid in the top, and snap the top away from you. If you are using an ampoule holder squirt the contents into your mouth onto your mucous membranes, over about an hour. If necessary, it can be done all at once. Hold the fluid in your mouth before swallowing. If you are using a bottle of water, pour the contents into the bottle, tapping the top of the ampoule. Sip the water throughout the day.
Prescribing Remedies

These remedies are available for most medical conditions.

If you are insured with the Patient’s Aid Association you can be treated by me without needing a letter of referral from your doctor.

Where suggested doses are given, these are standard adult doses. For children, seek my advice. These remedies can only be prescribed with a consultation. For a pre-treatment questionnaire, please email

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